We are the Finsea Group’s logistics operator.
We have been in this business for more than twenty years, and our core business is road and rail transportation of containers. We guarantee our clients service in all ports in Italy and on the main European routes, and we are the only ones in Italy that offer this coverage. For a number of years we have also been involved in exceptional transport, as well as unitising and emptying at ten ports in Italy.
We started out as a logistics office for the Group’s shipping agencies, dealing with transportation and all accessory operations for Yang Ming Italy, China Shipping, Uasac Italy, and Grimaldi, via Intersea.
Since then our sector has undergone significant changes: the mergers we have seen in recent years in the container world have involved us very closely, and two of our most important ship owners have set out on new ventures.
Today we are still the logistics operator for Yang Ming Italy and Intersea/Grimaldi, and also see to transportation for two NVOCCs_ Sarjak and Emkay, but we have also launched out on a new route, offering our experience to Italian shippers, with whom we have begun working. This has allowed us to become a reference logistics operator for merchant haulage as well, for all shipping companies.
Inside mto
We are a services company, made up of people. We believe in people and invest in people. We look after ourselves and our relations with others.
It is precisely due to the tenacity, enthusiasm, and grit of our personnel that our Company has been able to reinvent itself at a time of great crisis. Over the years, two of our major ship owners have set out on new ventures. Within a few months we lost almost 65% of your turnover, and there have been times in which out optimism has wavered. What could be do? We had to options: curl up in discomfort or react, rolling up our sleeves.
Thanks to the soundness of the Finsea Group, our entire team was confirmed: together we have been through months of lost of meetings and proposals, considered various ways forward, studied data and analyses, and together we found a solution, we encouraged and supported each other.
Today, ours is a story of entrepreneurial success, thanks to our knowledge of the market, our experience, the determination of our personnel, and the stability of the Group of which we are a part. And this is what we are able to offer our clients: the guarantee that we will always find a solution, applying the same tenacity that brought us through the most complex of times.
Within inside MTO you will find a bit of all of us, out of and inside the office: who we are, what we like, what our dreams are. Find out about us in our interviews.

Alessandro Benelli
Export operations department
When you sit in front of Alessandro Benelli, imagine knowing what awaits you and instead it is a succession of surprises.
Cristina Lemmi
Conevntional transport department
There is an explosive latent in the intensity of the green eyes of Cristina, class 1982, last purchase of the MTO team.
Irene Lucifredi
Sales department
Irene Lucifredi has a cheeky haircut and a snow-white face. Il segno zodiacale sotto cui è nata, il Leone…
Fedele Braggio
Billing department
Fedele Braggio has two souls that intertwine: the peaceful and rigorous one of the responsible import of Mto and…
Bruno Canova
Special transport operations department
Bruno Canova, born in 1962, is an operative soul to the core, with a life imbued with salt, piers and wind.
Andrea Olivieri
Import operations department
It comes fresh from a marriage proposal, Andrea Olivieri, clean face and intense eyes…
Simona Scisci
Customer accounting department
Simona Scisci shows off a thick fringe on the eyes, a new cut that had to pass the approval of her “witches”…
Alessandro Narducci
Import operations department
«From king of the genoese nights to the logistics». Alessandro Narducci makes his debut when he tells you his story …
Roberto Gentilucci
Special transport operations department
Class 1987 as the football team of the youth glory years, has eyes painted sea and a delicate personality like silk.
Tommaso Arlandini
Export operations department
The MTO team is perhaps the youngest, or rather very young. Tommaso Arlandini, born in the last year of the last century, in 1999.
Franco Avanzino
General Manager
I have started my career in a genoese marine agency called Agency Concordia SPA…
Giorgia Gestro
Commercial department
Giorgia Gestro is water and soap, a beauty that all women would like to have, she always wears perfect and simple outfits…
Andrea Carvelli
Import operations department
When he passes through the corridors with his decisive step, colleagues think that in MTO he came directly from a television soap opera.
Alessandro Savona
Commercial department
«Using a metaphor I could say that I lived in another house in the same neighborhood, that of logistics. »
Paola Bisio
Billing department
Paola Bisio is an infusion of many flavors, in which stand out some strong notes such as a sense of duty and efficiency…
Ombretta Moro
Customer accounting department
She doesn’t take long to melt the ice when you ask her the right questions. And so, at the word “mom,” she lights up…
Valentina Marotta
Export operations department
Valentina Marotta, MTO dispatcher, always has a smile drawn on her face and shines with a light that never goes out…
Filippo Gallo
I worked many years on the other side of the barricade, in a shipping agency that ran a large number of transports…
Stefano Pittaluga
Import operations department
Stefano, dispatcher of Mto, is a big boy with sweet eyes and shy smile, cheeky hair and deep voice like the sea.
Stefania Miglietta
HR department
Behind the welcoming and understanding gaze of Stefania Miglietta there is a great determination and a strong sense of duty.